THESO with national ministry of health and partners uses this knowledge to propose interventions and policies, based on scientific evidence, to help improve health and well-being, and reduce health inequalities in South Sudan. South Sudan must urgently develop a comprehensive policy for health research. Defining and aligning common projects across national ministries would realise the implementation of ‘health-in-all policies and step-up health research to increase its impact on health improvement. This needs a long-term commitment and structural measures to ensure implementation and could be supported by South Sudan Council for Health Research.
Like privacy, health research has high value to society. It provides important information about disease trends and risk factors, outcomes of treatment or public health interventions, functional abilities, patterns of care, and health care costs and use. The different approaches to research provide complementary insights. Clinical trials can provide important information about the efficacy and adverse effects of medical interventions by controlling the variables that could impact the results of the study, but feedback from real-world clinical experience is also crucial for comparing and improving the use of drugs, vaccines, medical devices, and diagnostics.
The Health Support Organisation (THESO) is a 501 (c) (3) registered South Sudanese based charity non-profit organisation with Headquartered in Juba South Sudan with administrative office in Washington DC.
RRC 289
EIN 37-1897943.
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